Doing everything you can to lose weight but still not seeing any results? It’s tough I know.
It’s tough enough hectic to manage the daily chaos and your weight loss routine together, and if someone tells you that you are doing it all wrong……. then collecting motivation to start again is almost impossible.
But hang in there.
There’s good news and bad news.
Good news – you put in the effort, and you’re not new to this. That’s half the battle won!
Bad news – Something is wrong with your approach. You’re making some mistake that is keeping you stuck at your current weight, but that’s easily fixable once you know your mistake.
This blog will tell you what mistakes you could be making, so you can fix them and achieve your health goals as quickly as possible.
Without further ado, here are the 4 mistakes –
- You don’t know what to lose. Fat or Weight!
There’s a huge difference between fat loss and weight loss and understanding this is the key to losing weight.
Your body weight is made of muscle, water, bones, and fat. Most people lose ‘weight’ as in lose muscle weight, water weight, and fats. This results in weakness in the body, low energy, dry skin, and, sleep disturbance.
You want to lose fat. The only way to do that is by eating fewer calories than your body needs or exercising to burn out the extra calories.
- You are only focusing on restricting as many calories as possible
If you drastically reduce your food intake, of course, you will lose weight. Yet, once you go back to your normal diet, you will gain all your weight gain. So you are trapped in a loop of weight gain and loss.
To sort out this problem, you need to focus on a diet that you can follow forever & lose weight. You need a diet that has a balance of all nutrients -protein, carbs, fats, fiber, etc.
- Relying too much on weighing machine
The weighing machine measures the amount of muscle mass, weight of the skeleton, and body fluids along with the fat. Your concern is just the fat you have in your body, and how much did you lose it.
Try measuring with measuring tape and use the mirror to check the fat storage of particular body parts.
Unchanged numbers on the scale can show that there might be a loss of fat but a gain of muscle mass (which is GREAT news).
- Trying to lose weight too early
The more rapidly you lose it, the more rapidly you will gain it. If you change your lifestyle for a certain period to lose weight, you will gain weight quickly as you go back to your normal routine.
Always make a routine that suits your lifestyle so that you do need not to suffer from fixing schedules again and again.
Note –
Just changing your diet is not enough. This will not work for you if your overall lifestyle is not healthy aka if you don’t have good sleep, daily physical activity, and stress management.
Losing weight is not a difficult task. We now know that to lose weight we need to take care of the calories we take, how much faster we are trying to work on our body, and how reliable we should be when it comes to measuring the weight on a weighing machine. We are now clear about the difference between weight loss and fat loss, and how we should aim to reduce the amount of fats in our body.
Your health journey can be tough, you don’t have to do it alone!
Dhyaan rakho <3
Team Simply Wellness
Author – Anmol Chugwani